If you have decided to Open a clothing eCommerce on Shopify to maximize sales but need to know where to start, you are in the right place! Online commerce is the ideal way to increase your physical store’s sales or start the business of your dreams. But, opening a successful online store that generates the hoped-for profits takes a lot of work, planning, and investment.

The experience in fashion can help you extricate yourself in the choice of garments, in purchases, in warehouse management, and in defining the target. Be aware, however, that running a physical store is different from selling clothing online.

One of the secrets e-commerce has in common with offline sales is how the garments are presented. The garment is described in detail in the shop, from the fabric to the wearability. Even in the product sheets of your e-commerce, they are presented in the same way!

The web is a potentially infinite and varied world, and to make your eCommerce fruitful, you can only start with planning goals and targets. A great deal of upstream design is required to avoid being crushed by the huge competition. Before embarking on this adventure, evaluate your budget for creating your eCommerce and promoting your site.

Shopify life for $1/month

If all this does not scare you and you are still considering starting your online business, know that online clothing e-commerce can give you great surprises and satisfaction. If you’re starting from scratch, you need to consider some things.

Open a clothing eCommerce on Shopify to maximize sales.

If you don’t have a physical store and you need to open an online business, there are several aspects that you will need to take care of.

Shopify eCommerce site

Do you have a project in mind

Choice of Shopify platform

The choice of the platform with which to build your online clothing store depends a lot on your needs, the vastness of your catalog, the size of your company, and your technical skills.

The best platform to manage eCommerce is Shopify. Let’s see them in detail.


The main feature of Shopify is its simplicity. This platform offers many features with an intuitive and easy-to-manage graphical interface.

Shopify is very suitable for small and medium-sized businesses opening online stores.

Why choose Shopify? To Open a clothing eCommerce on Shopify
  • has excellent performance;
  • It is simple to use;
  • has a high degree of customization;
  • Offers product analysis tools;
  • Allows you to independently manage catalog, warehouse, shipments, and any offers;
  • It is fast and optimized for search engines;
  • Offers high standards for the security of transactions and for the management of users’ personal data.

Brand positioning

Open a clothing eCommerce on Shopify to maximize sales. It would help if you focused on Brand positioning. One key element to building a successful online store is brand positioning.

How the brand is perceived online and positioned by search engines is crucial.

To position your brand online and have it found by your potential customers, there are some steps to follow:

  • Coherently organizes textual content;
  • Select and enter the relevant keywords without exaggerating;
  • Takes care of the contents of the site;
  • Open a blog;
  • Do link building;
  • Take advantage of social media;
  • Organizes sales strategies;
  • Retain your customers;
  • Takes care of the aesthetics of the site.

Shopify life for $1/month

Choice of the reference domain to Open a clothing eCommerce on Shopify

The domain name for your e-commerce is what identifies your online brand. A custom name makes your online clothing brand more recognizable and professional.

Thanks to a unique name, it is easier to remain etched in people’s minds, facilitating their memorization and research.

If you still have no idea how to name your online store, here are some tips for choosing the right name:

  • Be inspired by your company name;
  • Choose a word that reflects the products you sell;
  • Find a name that recalls the brand ethos;
  • Do not opt for verbose names;
  • Avoid copying existing ones;
  • Look for something captivating and easy to remember.

Inventory and warehouse of your e-commerce

You can choose between a real warehouse or dropshipping to manage the goods and the warehouse.

Management software is the most functional tool to control inventory and available items accurately.

Thanks to this software, which specializes in inventory and warehouse management, you can control the following:

  • Stocks;
  • Bestseller;
  • Invoices;
  • Returns.

We turn to external suppliers for drop shipping sales to complete the order without having a physical warehouse. In this case, the drop shipper delivers the product to the customer. This choice allows you to have no stocks and start e-commerce with a minimum investment.

Shopify life for $1/month

Shipping and logistic supplies to Open a clothing eCommerce on Shopify

Understanding how to deliver the items sold is one of the crucial points for an e-commerce site.

To better organize logistics, you can request quotes and information from various couriers to understand their timing and shipping costs.

The shopping experience of users is strongly linked to compliance with deadlines. Timely delivery is essential to have positive feedback.

In choosing the courier, therefore, you must select the one that best meets delivery times.

Once you have increased the volume of your sales and the number of shipments, know that your bargaining power will grow, giving you the power to negotiate on the conditions.

As for the choice of suppliers, you need to identify the type of goods to be handled and where to buy them. The best solution is to contact the manufacturing companies directly to cut costs. Generally, this type of company foresees reduced costs as orders increase.

Otherwise, you can buy directly from wholesalers with physical warehouses or from online warehouses.

Choice of an e-commerce agency like WebRito

Webrito will provide the best Shopify theme development service and PSD to Shopify theme service. If you need a Shopify developer, then Contact us.

You will know you have found the right partner to create your online store when you have answered yes to all these questions.

Do you have a project in mind

Launch your e-commerce through an effective web marketing strategy.

After creating the site, you need to plan your web marketing strategy to start selling online profitably. Working on brand awareness and recognizing your brand are the first steps to having a successful online store.

The planning must include integrated communication actions through different channels and include:

  • The compilation of product sheets.
  • The use of social networks to create advertising pages and campaigns.
  • The creation of a blog within your eCommerce site.
  • Integration with the different eCommerce platforms.

SEO & UX optimized product sheets and category page

Product sheets and category pages are fundamental channels for bringing customers to your eCommerce.

What does it mean? Optimizing cards from an SEO perspective means intercepting users’ needs and queries and responding consistently with their search intent.

You must enter precise and detailed information for each product using the corresponding keywords.

On your product sheets, as well as on the category pages, to answer your customers’ questions, you must always enter the following:

  • Photos of the product and its details;
  • Information about the characteristics of the product (available sizes, colors, fabrics, combinations);
  • Price and any discount;
  • Immediate or later availability;
  • Expected delivery times;
  • Shipping cost;
  • Reviews and feedback;
  • A call to action that invites the customer to purchase.

One of the important elements for Google to appreciate and not penalize your site is the user experience you can offer to the user.

Product sheets and category pages need to be optimized for SEO and ensure excellent UX to improve sales.

To improve the user experience of your eCommerce:
  • Increases browsing speed;
  • Eliminates the elements that weigh down the page;
  • Enter the search form on each page;
  • Make your site easy to navigate;
  • Use simple menus, highlighting useful links;
  • Insert clear buttons that describe the real destination;
  • Insert the cart in each tab with the content and prices;
Social pages that can convert customers

Social media are a means of dissemination and enormous visibility for brands and companies. If you want to open an online clothing site, you must also provide for the opening and use of various social channels.

Social networks are increasingly preparing themselves as a function of eCommerce platforms.

The social networks most used by those with a clothing eCommerce site are Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and WhatsApp. Today, it is also becoming interesting for many brands to be present on TikTok.

Creating social network pages and profiles is free and can help you sell your clothes online. Social profiles increase brand awareness and stimulate people to make purchases.

Do you have a project in mind

You can use your business pages to:

  • Show the items of the new collections;
  • Insert catalogs ;
  • Propose different outfits to encourage multiple purchases;
  • Insert interesting content that stimulates people to share the page and posts;
  • Disseminate industry news;
  • Invite people to visit your eCommerce site to finalize the purchase.

In addition, customers can leave reviews and comments on your page. If the feedback is positive, it tends to involve other people buying, increasing the trust and popularity of the brand.

In terms of image, it is very attractive to integrate social media feeds with the e-commerce site.

Furthermore, you can activate influencer marketing campaigns through social media, which are widely used and appreciated in the fashion sector.

Advertising campaigns to increase the visibility of your clothes

Statistically, over 75% of online shoppers say social media has influenced them. This data makes you understand the importance of these means for the growth of your online shop.

Social pages are an excellent communication tool, but they need to be promoted and advertised to achieve results.

Even on social networks, competition is very high, and it is necessary to establish a budget to invest in ads. In campaign planning, you decide the investment amount and objectives you want to achieve.

Through social metrics and Google analysis tools, it is possible to monitor users’ purchasing behavior. By analyzing the data, you will have helpful information for the implementation of your site, for the purchase of products, and the choice of the target.

Integrate products on Amazon to Open a clothing eCommerce on ShopifyIntegrate products on Amazon

Those who buy online generally visit the marketplaces to compare prices and see reviews before purchasing.

Integrating your products with platforms such as Amazon and eBay, therefore, has many advantages for an eCommerce site:

  • Increases the visibility of the products and the brand;
  • It offers the possibility of facing a huge pool of users;
  • Helps to dispose of the warehouse;
  • has no expenses other than sales commissions;
  • facilitates the purchase process for registered users who do not have to register on the site again.
Retrieve users who visited the online store without purchasing products.

You may not know that only 3% of people who visit an online store complete the process with a purchase. It means that 97% abandon the sites without having bought anything.

This figure should encourage you! To get people back to your site, retargeting is used, a process by which you reach those who have shown interest in your site or social networks but have yet to complete the purchase.

Retargeting, or remarketing, is based on using cookies and pixels. When a user arrives on your site, he is tracked, and, in the following days, through a retargeting campaign, he is reached by advertising messages that refer to the site.

This process can dramatically increase your e-commerce sales.

What are the benefits of retargeting?
  • Increase site conversions;
  • Improves brand awareness and perception;
  • Brings visitors back to the page;
  • It allows you to create personalized ads based on user behavior on your site;
  • As the conversion rate increases, the cost per acquisition decreases;
  • Position the brand in people’s minds.

Retargeting campaigns can be set up on social networks and different platforms such as Google Ads.

Shopify life for $1/month

The time has come to open your online clothing e-commerce.

Now that we have explained to you what are the steps to open your online store, it is time to make a to-do list:

  • Register your business;
  • Evaluate how to position the brand;
  • Choose the domain to buy;
  • Select software for inventory and warehouse management;
  • Evaluate how to ship and select suppliers;
  • Choose an agency that takes care of your all-around e-commerce.

This last point is the most important.

The agency has a strategic role in decreeing the success of your online store.

We at E-commerce Consulting make our team available to offer you accurate work that guarantees results.

After a study of your business idea, we will evaluate together the most suitable platform to build your online sales site, and we will take care of creating an effective web marketing strategy.

Contact us and get your online store off the ground.

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