In this article, we’re going to tell you “What shopify apps is this website using?” Shopify apps that we think you should definitely try! Today Shopify is expanding like wildfire in World, as evidenced by the growing interest in the platform on social networks and search engines.

Shopify life for $1/month

What shopify apps is this website using?

Here are the best 3 Shopify apps that you will need to create an eCommerce Shopify website.

Aiva – shopify pop up app

One of the apps we use on almost all the stores we manage. Aiva allows us to create pop-up modals at great speed and with very advanced specifications


  • Unlimited pop-ups, no traffic restrictions
  • Personalization: pop-up with the target by geographic area, page visits, tags, URL, date/time, exit, mouse movement, display.
  • A / B testing support: great freedom to perform A / B testing on modals.
  • Advanced Design Interface: Create interactive buttons, input fields, colorable icons, countdown clocks, emojis, Spin-to-Win popups, and more.

 Shopify life for $1/month

Price: $7/month

Aiva offers us a very complete free version: in exchange. However, it inserts its logo in the pop-up design, to advertise itself. The paid plans are affordable and are based on-site traffic: up to 10k monthly visitors. The cost is $ 19, over 25k we go up to $ 49. There are other options, again based on traffic, for sites that generate even more traffic. And they are all available on the AivaLabs site.

Ideal for

This app is ideal for any store: collecting our customers’ emails. In exchange for a small discount is a basic strategy for almost all eCommerce on the web.

But it is an app that allows us to organize even more structured campaigns. And it is a must-have in the highlights of the year such as Black Friday or the Christmas period.

Link to the Shopify app store:

Infinite Options – Customization of product sheets

This app is one of the most famous in the Shopify world: fast, intuitive, flexible. It allows us to do one very important thing though: add any type of option and customization on the product sheet of our online store. You can add text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes.

A practical example of use? Just think of those who offer the possibility of adding a customizable gift card to the order. With Infinite Options, we can add this function with just a few clicks and above all without touching the code!

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  • Easily add an unlimited number of product customizations to your products so that you are not limited by the normal limit of 3 options
  • Set the fields as optional or required
  • Add additional costs for services or customizations you propose
  • Add optional services to your products and increase the average shopping cart. For example by offering a gift package with the supplement of $ 5.


A free time! Unfortunately not anymore, but still available at a competitive price: single plan from 5.99 $ / month.

Ideal for

This app is at its best when working with stores that have a specific need to customize products. For example in the sector of personalized t-shirts with writings. Or in that of jewelry: very often it is possible to have a sentence engraved by the customer.

It is a very flexible tool and allows us to do interesting things: with imagination, it is possible to exploit it in… infinite ways!

Link to the Shopify app store:

PageFly – Creation of landing pages

It would be impossible not to mention this app for the simple fact that very often our customers ask us how to create customized pages for their shops on Shopify. Those who use the platform, in fact, know the options for customizing the graphics of the internal pages. The site is very often limited to those offered by the theme.

Furthermore, the app also allows us to intervene on shop pages, such as category or product pages.
Whether it’s landing pages for advertising campaigns or just a more appropriate look for the About Us page, PageFly offers us a visual composer through which we can create a custom page design, without having to write a line of code.


  • Customize the look of your landing pages, home, blog.
  • Add components and graphics to product or collection pages.
  • There are already 50 templates to start from for those in a hurry!
  • The app is totally responsive, that is, the pages fit perfectly on the furniture. If you want you can also customize the pages on mobile separately.

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PageFly offers a freemium plan with many unlocked features and even the possibility of using some of the various templates proposed. The limit is on the number of pages, which amounts to 3, in the free version. This limit is clearly removed in the Pro and Premium versions, which cost $19/month respectively, and which offer more possibilities for using the plugin.

Ideal for

This app is perfect for those who are building advertising campaigns and need to take care of the landing page graphics in detail. But not only that: very often there is a need to create some internal pages of the site. Such as the one for Contacts or on the history of the brand, in a personalized way. This app responds to this strong need in an excellent way!

Link to the Shopify app store:

What is pros of Shopify? Shopify benefits

  • It is quick and easy to use.
  • SaaS platform: the technical parts are managed and updated by Shopify and so you won’t have to worry about doing any of this.
  • No installation
  • And no purchase: you will only have to think about the expenses of the monthly fee.
  • No security concerns: it’s a closed platform, to attack your e-commerce they will have to attack Shopify directly. And it is highly unlikely they will be able to break through their system.
  • You have many apps available to implement the features and increase the personalization of your site.
  • Shopify takes responsibility with ongoing assistance. So it’s worth the monthly fee money. Other platforms that are totally free do not offer you all these services. And therefore you will be forced to spend money, or waste time, to program or fix any system bugs.
  • Very active community.
  • Shopify currently, as a solution used Worldwide, is almost on a par with WooCommerce.


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