In general, online shoppers are going to take the time to research a product. Buy different prices, until they find a site that gives them the best deal as well as security.

Although the photographs allow you to see the appearance of the product. The rest of the interactions remain linked to your imagination. People intuitively want to touch, inspect, and understand what they want to acquire. Now time to know How to embed a youtube video in Shopify.

Delivering videos that explain its use, properties and attributes, satisfies this need. In addition, it generates great confidence by demonstrating that there is management and knowledge of what is being sold.

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How to embed a youtube video in Shopify?

It is possible to upload videos directly to Shopify, but to ensure that the weight of the video does not interfere with its accessibility, we recommend connecting the videos from YouTube.

You will notice that it is quite simple to add videos on the home page of the site since most of the templates come with by default a video section that is fed through a link. But how to do this for product and/or content pages?

Next, we will teach you how to add YouTube videos to your product page or internal content page.

Let’s see how to embed a youtube video in Shopify

You must first upload the video to YouTube. Take advantage of using your corporate email so that all connected platforms are directly related to your brand.

Once you have the video up, head to the visualization of the one you are looking to add to your site. You will see that under the name of the video there are different options that you can select, one of them is “share”. When you click on it, a pop-up will open which gives you options to share the material. Unfortunately, Shopify will not be a direct option so you must choose ‘Insert’.

Again a pop-up will appear, but this time next to the video there will be an HTML code to insert the video. You must copy the code and with it, we will go to Shopify. We know that not everyone knows how to handle code issues, but if you follow the instructions carefully there will be no problem. You Can do it!

First step

Being in Shopify, we must go to ‘Products’ in the left column. Once the list of your products is loaded, select the one to which you want to add the video in the description.

Once the page with the product information is loaded, we will find the description field just below the name. The product description editor has similar functionalities to any text editor, but in the right corner, you will notice that there is a square with the same “share” icon that we selected on YouTube. We will click on it and you will see that all the written content you have will be transferred to code.

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Second Step

We will go to the end of all content, so as not to alter anything existing. You can hit “enter” a couple of times to create space between what you will add and what is already there. Then with the mouse, right-click and paste.

Notice that the YouTube code starts with <iframe width = ”560” height = ”315”. The first number corresponds to the width of the video, while the right corresponds to the height. And then continue with src = ”https:… which corresponds to the ‘url’ and its display format. This way you will be able to recognize the video in the code.

Third Step

Once you place the code, you can reselect the button to leave the HTML editor and go back to the text, and you will check if the video was embedded correctly. Remember to save and when checking inside the store you will see that the video will be automatically displayed in the product description. Done!

If you have problems, it is a matter of removing the code from the video and trying again. If you feel very insecure, copy all the content somewhere else before inserting the video.

How to add ALT attribute to your Shopify images?

The alt attribute corresponds to the alternative text (alt-text) for images on a site. It is the description that informs us not only of the appearance of this but also of the function it fulfills.

The objective of this tool is to guarantee accessibility to the web, making the content available for people with visual disabilities, limitations with the browser, or when it simply does not load through the connection. That is why, for user experience and usability issues, it is a key attribute that is often underestimated.

In addition, it serves another purpose on the marketing side. By making images readable, you make them recognizable to search engines, supporting SEO positioning, which ultimately translates into traffic to your site.

What to put on Attribute?

The alt text should be a short description of what you see in the image. There is no limit to its length, but ideally no more than 5 words. Use key terms that you usually use to position yourself.

Remember that your content must be related to the image, and not just be a list of meaningless keywords as it can harm you. Google and other search engines are constantly developing their operation and recognition of content, they no longer search for identical words as they did in the past, now they respond according to the search intentions of users.
Next, we will teach you how to add the alt attribute to product photos in your Shopify.

How to do

Go to products in the column on the left. Once you see all of your products listed, select the one you want to edit.


Inside the product page, you should look for the images section. In it, when you place the cursor over any of the photographs (hover), three dots will appear in the upper right corner. When you click on it, it will display editing options from which you must select ‘edit alt text’.


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A ‘pop up’ will open in which you can enter the text. By default the product name will appear, you must delete it and enter your alternative text.

You can perform this same action with each of the product photos. If you are using photos where only the perspective in which the product is displayed or the color changes, use that attribute as a keyword within the description.


When you finish filling in the alternative texts of the different photographs, it’s a matter of saving and that’s it.

You can add alt attributes to the various images you use in Shopify. It is a matter of double-clicking on the images in blogs and content pages, and you will see that a tab will open that allows you to add the alternative text.

Remember that the purpose of the alt attribute is to contextualize. Next, it is exemplified with the image of the page ‘we are’ of Shopify. For this file, many would use the keyword “team”, which is not wrong, but it is not descriptive either. On the other hand, “faces of the Shopify team next to the logo” is an alternative that contextualizes, provides content.

Extra Tips

  • If the image is ornate text, use the same alt attribute text.
  • The image is a graphic or an infographic, it must be indicated what its content is about.

Example: “step by step of how to fold the windbreaker to a bag”.

Attractive images that attract attention, but are not directly related to the content, it is always better to add some alt text that indicates why the image is there instead of leaving it blank.
Start optimizing your images and create a really friendly and dedicated site for your users!


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