To get customers to your website, it is essential to understand what users want and intercept their search intent. Searching for keywords to be included in an e-commerce site is a necessary step to be found by the target people. How do you get traffic to a website? What are users looking for? What keywords do they use when searching online? So here is “How to do Keyword Research for eCommerce?”

In fact, intercepting the right people is the first step to being successful in online commerce.
Do you know that 81% of users do extensive research before making a purchase? But not only.

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Those who buy in physical stores also do an online search before buying the product in the store. This means that optimizing your e-commerce with the right keywords allows you to intercept many users and increase visits to your online sales site.

Also, consider that 68% of online experiences start with a search engine. That said, you need to understand how users do this type of Keyword Research for eCommerce.

Searching for keywords is a complex process and requires different skills, but it is an essential step if you are planning to open an eCommerce. Because an online store without traffic is like a physical store that no one ever enters: you can display the best goods, offer exclusive items, and have an infinite product catalog but, without people buying, your site is really useless.Keyword Research for eCommerce

What does it mean to search for keywords and what is it for? Do Keyword Research

To optimize your website and be included among the first results on search engine pages, you need to know how to do SEO professionally. And you need to do Keyword Research for eCommerce.

But where do we start?
One of the first steps is to research relevant keywords to be included in eCommerce so that it is indexed correctly by search engines.

If you want to create an eCommerce site you cannot neglect this aspect, although it is really challenging. But know that it’s really worth it: investing time to increase traffic to your store helps to grow your sales and allows you to make money online.

To understand how to optimize your eCommerce, you need to know the basic concepts well. Let’s see them together.

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What is a keyword

A keyword (literally translated keyword ) is a word or phrase that is used by users who search online.

The research process takes place like this:

  • the user enters a word or a phrase in the search bar of engines such as Google, Bing, Amazon, and YouTube…;
  • then click on the Search button;
  • the engines show relevant search results with the entered keyword.

For example, if you are looking for an ice cream shop in the USA, you will enter the ice cream parlor USA as the keyword. In this way, the search engine will return you to the most sought-after ice cream parlors in the city, with the map, or the rankings are drawn up, in which the improvements in USA ice cream parlors are entered.
Keywords are ranked according to their length.

Long-tail keywords Research for eCommerce

Also called long-tail keywords, long-tail keywords are those that contain more than 2 words. They can also be called key phrases. Typically, their length never exceeds 4 or 5 words but it depends on the query.

Examples of long tail keywords can be:

  • marketing strategy;
  • what is SEO;
  • how to search for a keyword.

These types of keywords are easier to rank for than short-tail keywords because they are much more specific.
Long tail keywords are used to narrow the potential search volume, in fact, they are sought after by fewer people.
Do not think, however, that this is a limit!
In fact, the strong point of long tail keywords is the ability to narrow the field to leads who are really interested in your product.

Short tail keywords Research for eCommerce

Short tail keywords are keywords that contain a maximum of 2 words. They can also be formed from abbreviations.

Examples of short tail keywords are:

  • eCommerce;
  • keyword;
  • SEO.

Short tail keywords have very high competition and, unless you have an e-commerce already positioned in the first places on search engines, you need to use them sparingly. In fact, short-tail keywords are very difficult to rank and attract less specific traffic.

This means that by using short tail keywords you will attract users who are not necessarily in line with your target.
What is the use of driving traffic to your site if it does not affect the increase in conversions?

But how do you intercept what your audience is looking for?

In addition to parameters such as the length and number of words contained, to classify keywords you can also rely on the user’s search intent. In this case, however, you have to be very careful about the keywords you choose, if they do not match the customer’s search intent, they are not correctly classified by the search engines.

There are four types of research intentions to which different answers need to be given:

Navigation intent: Used when users already know what they want. For example keyword research tools. In this case, the user wants to be directed to understand what are the tools to find keywords. To answer this query correctly, you need to create a post with a list of tools and websites through which to find keywords.

  • Information intent: when a user surfs the internet looking for information. For example: how do I find the best keywords for my e-commerce? With such a request, you need to create a blog post that can respond to the user’s request appropriately.
  • Transactional intent: when the user wants to complete an action. In this case, it makes a conversion, such as subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a survey or form, booking an appointment and so on.
  • Commercial intent: when the user wants to make an online purchase. For example: Adidas shoe price. When the keyword contains commercial intent, you need to respond by offering products or services for your users to purchase. Otherwise, they will think they ended up on the wrong site.

Taking into account the search intent of users is very important for an e-commerce site. By giving answers in line with the searches carried out, in fact, you prevent people from running away from the page immediately after loading and lowering the ranking of your shop.

Optimization of keywords

After learning how to identify keywords for your e-commerce site, you need to understand how keywords are used, when and in what number they need to be included in the text. This process is called keyword optimization and must be done every time you write text for the web, especially for internal pages, product sheets or blog posts.

Keyword optimization is a complex process that must be done by an experienced SEO agency. If you want to optimize your e-commerce site and understand how to use keywords perfectly, contact WebRito for more information.

Way to do Keyword Research for eCommerce?

How to choose keywords for eCommerce? Shopify E-commerce keyword research

After explaining how keywords are classified, let’s see what are the criteria for choosing the right ones to include on your e-commerce site.

The most important metrics are 5:

  1. search volume;
  2. relevance to the product;
  3. commercial intent;
  4. competitiveness;
  5. CPC value.

Let’s move on to find out how they work in detail.

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Search volume in keyword Research for eCommerce

One of the most important criteria for choosing a keyword is search volume. In fact, it is really useless to choose a keyword if it is not searched on Google.

But how big should the search volume be?

Unfortunately, there are no numbers on which to base yourself to make a choice, since it all depends on the market niche you are targeting. If you’re selling a niche or very expensive product, 100 searches can be a lot. While, for a market and commonly used product, 20,000 searches are few.

Only you can determine the right search volume for your eCommerce, based on knowledge of all the elements of your business. To establish a range in which to move, you can average the search volumes of relevant keywords with your product and with your e-commerce site.

Attention: remember that, in some sectors, the search volumes change according to seasonality and trends . During certain times of the year, therefore, it is the case that you enter different keywords. This happens for Christmas decorations, Halloween and Carnival costumes, but also for more unexpected products such as dog and cat beds.

Relevance with the product

Once you’ve identified the words that have an appropriate search volume for your niche, the next step is to figure out if they’re really relevant to the product you’re selling.

Remember we talked about search intent?
Relevance with the product is one of the elements that allow you to respond appropriately to user queries.

Don’t think that a word with very high search volumes is the right one for your online shop. The keywords must be in line with the e-commerce, the product and your blog. Otherwise, you risk not only that users do not convert but that they run away, lowering your ranking on search engines.

If you have an online store that sells a specific brand it is important that you describe the characteristics in detail, despite the risk of losing positions in the search. Obtaining visits from interested users increases the conversion rate of your site and is one of the most important parameters for e-commerce.

Transactional intent

In order for your work to be successful, it is important to insert words that intercept people eager to make purchases.

What does it mean?
You must learn to understand how users search and what are the words that express the will to buy a product.
Many terms, in fact, are too general to indicate the intent to buy.

For example, Patagonia is not a keyword with transactional intent. Those who carry out such a search could look for information on the inhabitants, what is the fauna of Patagonia, what is eaten. Writing “flights to Patagonia” indicates a more specific desire and the possibility that those who carry out the search really want to buy a plane ticket and reach this destination.

The key to optimizing transactional search intent is to clarify how the user can convert and what conversion will mean for them.

A transactional landing page should follow these principles:

  1. Add a Call to Action – The call to action (CTA) should be clear, simple and engaging. It should stand out from the rest of the page, be the first thing that grabs the user’s attention, and make it obvious what will happen when the button is clicked.
  2. Use a clear design: It takes your website visitors less than a second to make a first impression of what they’re seeing, and 95% of those opinions are based on the design of your pages. Get your message across in simple, straightforward words, and use images to express the value and benefits of your offer.
  3. Write Persuasive Copy: When writing your page’s descriptive text, focus on building trust, building an emotional bond, and simplifying decision-making for the reader.


Do you know that less than 10% of users go beyond the first page of Google?
This means you can choose the most relevant keyword, with search volumes that are perfect for your niche and that scream its purchase intent out loud. One thing you need to know though… If the competition is too high, it is very difficult to achieve the desired visibility.

To understand if your keyword is competitive and you can really reach the first page of Google, you can consult a keyword research planner. SEMrush, for example, tells you how difficult the keyword is.
If the difficulty level to rank that keyword is high, it means that the competition is high and you will have to work hard to occupy the top positions.

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CPC value

The CPC is the cost per click associated with each keyword. If you are planning to launch Google Ads campaigns for e-commerce, this is a cost that you absolutely must take into consideration.

As we saw earlier, short tail keywords have a lot of competition, and that means there are more competitors who want to dominate that particular market research.

So, if you want to outrun the competition and be the e-commerce that pops up when you search for that keyword, be prepared to pay very dearly for every single click.

In this case, you could do keyword research and find all those long tail keywords that have less competition but can still bring targeted traffic and users to your product pages.

The value of the CPC is fundamental when we prepare a campaign, and it is one of the parameters that you absolutely must take into consideration when choosing keywords.

Go to Google and take a look at who is in the first position

To make a final evaluation of the keywords you have selected for your e-commerce, go to Google. The search engine, in these cases, is always confirmed as one of the most reliable sources to understand if you are going in the right direction.

Enter your keyword and evaluate if the ranked pages are optimized for that particular keyword.

Has the target keyword been entered here?

  • Tag title;
  • Handle URL;
  • Meta description.

If not, you can use this to your advantage by trying to better optimize your text and insert the keyword in the points just described. This allows you to be competitive and get past pages that have overlooked those details.

E-commerce keywords research on other platforms

Have you ever wondered what keywords do?
Put simply, it’s just a way to tell search engines what your content is about. This is to be used to correctly suggest it to users performing a search.

Once you have mastered the techniques for finding keywords for your e-commerce, you can also use them on other platforms.

Let’s see some examples and how to do it.


When you need to find a video, the first place to look is Youtube. The latter, in fact, is the first video search engine in the world.


Maybe you don’t know that Youtube belongs to Google and, for this reason, their functioning is very similar . The advantage of this partnership is that the videos appear in Google search results.

What does it mean?

That even with regards to videos, you cannot neglect optimization. However, know that to do SEO on Youtube it is not enough to follow the same steps that are used to optimize a website.

If you want to make sure your videos are seen by the right users, follow these tips:

  • enter the keyword in the title of the video;
  • describe the video using the keyword and its synonyms;
  • use the keyword in the video tags;
  • when you record the video, mention the keyword and related keywords in the speech;
  • rename the video file before uploading it to the platform so that the keyword appears in the title;
  • enter the keyword also in the thumbnail of your video.

Always remember that, when you enter your keywords, the use must not seem forced and the text must be legible and fluent. Finally, always be careful not to overdo the use of keywords, otherwise, you risk Youtube classifying your content as spam.

Amazon– Keyword research for products of Shopify

If you are planning to work with online selling, Amazon can be of great help. In fact, entering the right keywords for the products you upload to your inventory is an important competitive advantage in setting you apart from the competition. Furthermore, you can also take advantage of the keywords that Amazon suggests for your e-commerce site.

Amazon’s algorithm is very sensitive and only offers products that exactly match the keywords. This allows potential customers not to waste time and find the object they are looking for directly.
To reach a well-targeted target on Amazon, follow these tips when uploading your products:

  • always enter your keyword when uploading product photos;
  • use your target keyword in the product description text;
  • use one or more keywords in the product title so as to also reach users who are looking for you in a different way.

You should know that there are many factors involved in increasing Internet sales, including reviews, but keyword optimization is essential for the product to be shown to as many people as possible.

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Social media

Also on social media, it is possible to insert keywords to optimize the content you upload and reach a wider audience. In fact, every social network has mini search engines by which you can be classified. Let’s see how the contents on social networks preferred by users are optimized:

Social media

Google doesn’t put Instagram images in search results. Therefore, it is advisable to always insert keywords in the texts you publish.

  1. Enter your target keyword in your Instagram profile name;
  2. use the keyword in the Instagram biography;
  3. in captions use your target keyword and related keywords, spontaneously and naturally;
  4. never forget to optimize the alt text of your Instagram image;
  5. When entering your hashtag list, make sure there are target keywords and related keywords.

Consider that what you post on Pinterest lasts much longer than the content of other social networks. Keywords can therefore be useful even after several months.

Here’s how to enter them:

  1. the title of the image pin must always contain the keyword;
  2. use the keyword and related keywords in the description of your pin;
  3. rename the file with the target keyword before putting it online;
  4. remember that Pinterest also supports hashtags, so insert the keyword also among the hashtags;
  5. post your images on Pinterest boards that have the same target keyword as you;
  6. write your keyword in the title and description of the profile;
  7. monitor pin progress and update underperforming keywords.
Tik Tok

TikTok is a rather new social network that, however, is already making a lot of talk about itself. To make the most of it and get more traffic, enter your keywords:

  1. in hashtags;
  2. in the captions of the contents;
  3. on your TikTok profile.

Twitter, unlike Pinterest, does not allow you to edit tweets once they have been sent. So, before clicking on the submit button, check that the keyword and related keywords are in the right place.
Also, remember that, like Instagram, Google doesn’t index tweets, so to boost yourself in the Google SERP, create a Twitter profile name that contains your keyword.

Let’s see where you need to enter the keywords to optimize your Twitter profile:

always use your target keyword and related keywords in hashtags. This is to attract the right users and give more resonance to your “chirps”;

  1. insert your word in the body of the tweets;
  2. enter the keyword in the description of your Twitter profile;
  3. when using videos or photos, rename the files before uploading them to Twitter so that the name contains the keyword;
  4. Don’t forget to enter keywords in the alt text of the image or video.

Facebook is one of the most interesting social platforms for those who have eCommerce. Therefore, using keywords correctly on Facebook can help you bring more traffic to your online store and increase your sales.

Here are the best places to put keywords:

  1. in the captions of Facebook posts;
  2. the name of the profile or in the title of the Facebook page;
  3. in the information section of your Facebook profile or page;
  4. in the page description;
  5. when uploading images or videos, enter the target keyword and related keywords in the file name;
  6. consider that, if you manage a Facebook page, it is important that the category to which you assign it matches or is very similar to your keyword.

Analyze your competitors to find the keywords they rank with

One of the most common reverse engineering strategies is to analyze the keywords with which your competitors are positioned.

By studying and analyzing their marketing strategies you will be able to understand what is working on the market, which are the most used keywords and more.

In fact, you will also be able to find out which are the weak points, the corners left uncovered by the competition and in which you can position yourself at a very low cost.

By finding keywords that are used little or badly by your competitors, you will have the opportunity to surpass them and position yourself effectively unlike all other websites or e-commerce.

Studying what your competitors have done will also save you some time because they will have done all the hard work for you. This will make it easier for you to identify new keywords and create content that can rank quickly.

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How keywords are inserted into texts

To have a positive impact on SEO, you need to learn how to place keywords well within your e-commerce, blog posts and product pages.

But where is the right place to enter keywords?

Here are some of the best practices to put in place for keywords to seriously help you and improve your SEO strategy:

  1. enter keywords in titles and headings;
  2. keywords should be used in all meta titles and meta descriptions;
  3. each web page must have the main keyword, but try to insert related keywords within the text, using semantics;
  4. as far as blogs are concerned, the target keyword must be inserted in the first paragraph and in the body of the text;
  5. your keyword density should be around 1% -2%. Try not to exceed this limit as your page may be classified as spam;
  6. the main keyword must always be inserted in the body of the home page text, in blog posts, in product pages and in the web pages that make up your site;
  7. always enter your keyword in the alternative text of the photos and videos you upload to your pages;
  8. Before uploading a media file to your site’s gallery, remember to rename it with your target keyword or related keywords.

These indications, if applied consistently and after having made a correct selection of keywords, will be very useful for the positioning of your e-commerce.

What are the best tools for Keyword Research for eCommerce finding keywords?

There is no general rule of thumb for keyword research, so everyone is free to choose the option that works best based on the type of work they are doing.

You can decide to search online yourself manually or get help from a keyword research tool.
The first method takes time but can give good results. While, if you need to find a large number of keywords in an easy way, it is certainly faster and more comfortable to opt for a search tool.

Let’s see which are the best tools for keyword research.

Free tools of Keyword Research for eCommerce

If you are a beginner or just want to test a few terms, there are many free keyword research tools available online.
Although they have fewer features than the premium ones, they are still effective and allow you to orient yourself in your search.

Let’s go and discover them.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is one of the free tools of the Google family. Its initial purpose was to help users find keywords for their paid Google Adwords campaigns.

What functions does it have?
It can be useful for evaluating the monthly search volume of keywords and finding related words. Before starting with the search, it is in fact necessary to identify a starting point for keyword research, thanks to which to draw up a list of relevant keywords.

This goal is very simple to achieve with GKP since one of its functions is to find keywords that are strongly correlated with your keyword. Using related keywords to better optimize a page is an SEO strategy that helps search engines index.

The disadvantage of GKP is that it is a tool designed for those who use Google Adwords and does not offer precise data relating to organic searches. In addition to this, to use it you need an account on Google Ads even if you do not intend to publish any type of ad.

Google Suggest

A great option to have keywords that users are really looking for is to use Google’s suggestions.
It may seem strange to you, but the keywords that Google offers you when you search are a valid starting point for having a larger list of ideas to work on.

To use it, just enter the Google homepage and start typing a word in the search bar. In an instant, Google completes your word or phrase, giving you several suggestions. From here you can begin to deepen your search, taking note of all the keywords that the engine suggests.

Google Suggest is a free tool that is very useful for finding related keywords or keywords, without limits.
On the other hand, it does not show the search volume of the words and the difficulty of positioning.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a free keyword research tool that is among the best on the market. In reality, it is an extension of Google Chrome, and its huge advantage is that it provides estimated monthly traffic data for each search result. But not only! It also shows you related keywords and the keywords “People also search“.

This tool works on both Google and Youtube and is active while you are browsing.
Keyword Everywhere also allows you to view the trend in the popularity of your keywords over time. On Youtube, on the other hand, shows the keyword tags for each video you view.

Amazon Keyword Research for eCommerce

As we told you above, people start looking for products to buy directly on Amazon rather than browsing Google or going directly to a specific eCommerce site.
Amazon’s search engine is designed for inquiries with a high purchase intent so the keywords it suggests have a high conversion rate.

To carry out a keyword search on Amazon, you should start with a seed keyword that you can find directly on Amazon, taking a cue from the automatic suggestions that are provided to you.
Typically, Amazon suggests long tail keywords as they are more specific and have a higher conversion rate.

But don’t they have lower search volumes?

True, they are the least sought after but they are the best keywords to reach well-targeted potential customers.
To refine your search, write down keywords that seem valid to you and then check their search volume on Keywords Everywhere.

Wikipedia for Keyword Research

Besides being the best known and most-used encyclopedia in the world, Wikipedia is a huge source of keywords.
It is not designed for any content but, when you can find the category you are interested in, it can give you a lot of information.

If your keyword is present in its search engine, you can find other keywords both in the text and in the index itself. When a keyword is present in the summary and has a dedicated paragraph, it means that people are interested in that topic. Inserting this keyword on your e-commerce site can bring you a large number of users.

In addition to the texts, on Wikipedia, you can also take advantage of the “see also” and references sections, which can be useful both for searching for keywords and for finding related keywords.

Ahrefs Keyword Generator for Keyword Research

If it’s not yet time to invest some money to use a paid keyword research tool, one last tip we want to give you is to give Ahrefs Keyword Generator a try.

This keyword generator allows you to perform 10 free searches throughout the day and provides you with:

  1. keyword;
  2. related keywords;
  3. search volume of each keyword;
  4. difficulty.

The keyword generator gives you reliable information and is widely used by both digital marketers and e-commerce workers.

Answer The Public

When it comes to keywords, one of the tools that absolutely must be used is Answer The Public.
This tool is very simple to use and offers all the search intent that is generated around a specific keyword.
It will be able to show you related keywords and even Google search predictions based on users’ search queries.

A paid version is also available, however, the free version does its job very well and gives you the opportunity to use the tool also for Italian keywords.

If you’re looking for long tail keywords, or are interested in search predictions for a particular topic, Answer The Public is a tool you definitely need to test.

When you need to do more searches and need in-depth keyword data, you can subscribe to paid services.
Among the best on the market are KWFinder and SEMrush, both of which are very good and well-structured.


If you want a great tool for researching your keywords, you can try KWFinder. This tool offers you a 10-day free trial, after which you can decide whether to subscribe or not. The cost ranges from $ 29.90 to $ 79.90 per month, depending on the payment method and the number of monthly searches.

It is very simple to use and its interface is also suitable for beginners. The data it provides is very accurate and includes monthly search volume and a rough estimate of keyword difficulty. It also gives you an overview of the websites that are already in the top 10 of Google. This way you can immediately understand who your competitors are. The data obtained can be saved directly on KWFinder.


This tool is at the top when it comes to keyword research. SEMrush, in fact, allows you to identify the most relevant keywords and gives you the possibility to analyze their organic results in detail.

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To test it, you can take a 7-day free trial, after which you can opt for one of their 3 pricing plans: Pro, Guru and Business which start at $ 83 per month.

If you carry out a large number of searches, SEMrush helps you speed up your work and precisely monitor your keywords, always keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing. This tool, in fact, is able to show you the keywords for which your competitors are ranking so that you can take a cue and surpass them.

Using SEMrush is very intuitive: just enter the name of your site or one of your competitors to get an overview on the keywords. Among the data, it makes available to you are search volumes, difficulty, related keywords, user questions to answer, trends and much more.


Ahrefs is a suite made up of different tools, essential for those who deal with SEO audits and are looking for the best keywords for their business.

Among the various tools available we have the analysis of backlinks, content and even our competitors.
Its operation is very simple: just enter a URL you want to analyze, and the tool will present a report with the analysis of the most important metrics: from the total number of backlinks to organic keywords and the traffic generated, everything will be visible in a clear and organized.

Another very interesting function is the Organic Keyword, which gives us a report in which the keywords used by our competitors are analyzed, indicating how they are positioned on search engines and how much organic traffic they can generate.


The last tool that we present to you today is called Ubersuggest, and it allows you to discover very interesting data.
These include traffic trends from Google and other search engines, opportunities present on each keyword, what our competitors are currently doing, and much more.

Ubersuggest is a serious and reliable tool for those who work with SEO and are looking for important data and analysis to improve the performance of their website or e-commerce.

The reports and analyzes that can be carried out are many, and you will have the opportunity to understand what is working or on the contrary what is causing drops in our performance.
In this way, intervening will be much simpler and any problem can be cured in the shortest possible time.


Keywords have a really important function on the internet, as they help search engines rank content correctly and serve it to the right people. The search, therefore, benefits both the web pages that have more chances of being found and the users, to whom answers are provided in line with their research, information, navigation or commercial intent. In order for your product to appear on the first page of Google, optimize every detail, from the page title to the image and video files. Finally, you know “How to do Keyword Research for eCommerce?”

To help you with this job, there are many keyword research tools, free or paid.
If you need someone with more experience to optimize your e-commerce site and define your SEO strategy, contact us for a quote! We at Webrito will help you climb the Google rankings.

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