Finally, you have come to the right website here “33 tips to optimize your Shopify eCommerce site”. Most entrepreneurs and Shopify eCommerce owners believe that it is enough to build a website, add products to the catalog and create some advertising campaigns to start selling online, but there is nothing more wrong.

Optimizing the Shopify store e-commerce site is a continuous process, which requires time and resources to recover the initial investment and increase the conversion rate of a store.

The truth is, if you don’t optimize your e-commerce, you are giving up on new customers, new purchases, and more revenue. Because your site isn’t performing as well as it should. And this can be a problem for any small or medium-sized business.

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The point is that entrepreneurs often don’t have a clue how to optimize Shopify e-commerce to improve performance and increase customers and sales. Therefore, analyzing data and correcting your site settings can be particularly difficult. Especially if you don’t know where to start.

In this article, you will find 33 tips that you can apply to optimize your e-commerce site. But before going into detail let’s see together which are the areas you can work on to get more results and get the most out of your store.optimize your Shopify eCommerce site

Top 33 tips to optimize your Shopify eCommerce site in 2022

How Optimize Your Shopify Store? At this point and after analyzing the three main areas to consider to optimize an eCommerce. It’s time to find out what are 33 tips that can increase your conversion rate and help you acquire new customers, increase traffic to your site and sell more.

Simplify your homepage to optimize your Shopify eCommerce site

The attention threshold of users is getting lower and lower, and you only have a couple of seconds to make a good impression. In most cases, the home page is the page with the highest volume of traffic.

So it is important to make it simple, clear and clean. And if possible, also add a call to action to promote a particular offer, capture visitor emails or any other ideas you can think of.

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Use high quality images

Images capture the visual attention of users, which is why it is important to use high quality images and be professional in the eyes of visitors. Especially if they have not yet purchased from you and do not yet know your brand.

Shoot professional images with the right equipment, or get help from a professional photographer. But keep in mind that an amateur image can drastically reduce your conversion rate.

Offer free shipping to optimize your Shopify eCommerce

Free shipping is one of the most sought after incentives for those who buy online. In fact, one of the obstacles that lead to the abandonment of the cart and a failure to sell is precisely the presence of the surcharge to be paid for shipping, which is often revealed only at the time of checkout.

If you haven’t already, offering free shipping can help you increase your conversion rate and reduce the number of interrupted orders.

Check your checkout process

The checkout process that leads your users to purchase a product after viewing and adding them to the cart often hides several pitfalls that can drastically reduce the conversion rate of an eCommerce.

This is why it is important to check each step and check. If there are any touchpoints that interrupt the purchase process and push potential customers to leave your site. By analyzing and finding these obstacles you can optimize your purchase funnel and increase the number of sales made by your e-commerce site.

Offer different payment methods

Adding different payment methods can help people choose the system they prefer to perform the transaction. Especially in Italy, one of the preferred options by consumers is the marking. The mark allows those who are suspicious to pay only upon receipt of the product, feeling safer and protected from any fraud.

PayPal is also a very common payment method among Italian consumers for almost the same reason.
If you have the possibility, then you must absolutely also offer cash on delivery and payment with PayPal in addition to the classic credit card.

Retrieve abandoned carts

One of the greatest opportunities for optimizing the performance of an e-commerce site is to recover abandoned carts. Visitors often add products to their cart or even start the checkout process. But then for one reason or another, they don’t complete the purchase.

Maybe they browse your store from the office, or they don’t have a credit card with them. Or they simply decide to postpone the purchase until later. There are so many reasons that lead to abandoned carts. And you absolutely must do everything to be able to recover them and remind your visitors that they have not yet completed the purchase.

SEO for images

An image SEO strategy can increase direct traffic to your eCommerce site. Enhanced images improve your products’ organic positioning in search results and rank higher.

Search engines also search for information, which is why it is essential to use alternative text and describe the content of the photos.

In addition to alt text, you also need to choose a name for each image you post that is relevant to your product keywords. Also, if you want search engine crawlers to find images more easily index them quickly. You can add them to your sitemap, especially if you post original photos.

Site speed to optimize your Shopify eCommerce

The speed of the site greatly affects the abandonment rate of users. For every second more than the page of your e-commerce site takes to load. The percentage of users who abandon the navigation increases by 50%.

So, it takes just over seven seconds to lose all your visitors. Also, a slow site doesn’t like Google either, which will penalize your ranking if the pages take too long to load.

Add a live chat

Customers like the ability to talk to a real person in real time and ask them their questions. And in fact, being able to ask questions before making a purchase can lead to an increase of up to 38% in conversions in an eCommerce.

With a live chat, you have the possibility to resolve the objections of your customers and bring to the purchase all the people who have doubts or need assistance before confirming the order. An alternative to live chat can be the phone number to be able to talk comfortably on Whatsapp.

Update product descriptions

Updating your product sheet descriptions can help your pages rank up and scale SERP results. Always try to use persuasive copy, and don’t forget to use product-related keywords within product sheets.

Use the product sheet to describe the benefits, qualities and characteristics of the product you are selling. This way you will help potential customers with more specific details about the features and problems that are being solved.

Publish reviews of your products

Most users read product reviews before making an online purchase. So why not try providing reviews directly on the product page?

This is a strategy also applied by Amazon, which within the product page has an entire section dedicated exclusively to reviews. In this way, when a user browses through the products, he will be able to read the opinion of those who have already purchased and check if the product keeps the promises made by the brand and e-commerce.

SEO for search engines

Doing SEO for search engines will help you climb the SERP positions. And it helps you get your product to show off to all those people who are highly interested and are more likely to buy.

Leveraging SEO to sell more is one of the most important strategies for e-commerce. And it is essential if you want to be successful with your online store in 2021.

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Improve on-page SEO to optimize your Shopify eCommerce site

On-page SEO refers to all the optimization activities of a site. Or in this case of e-commerce, which can be carried out directly within the site itself.

For example, we are talking about elements such as the Tag Title. And therefore the title of a web page, or even the Meta Tag. However, they are elements that help search engines index your content and climb the positions of the SERP.

Improve off-page SEO

Off-page SEO, on the other hand, concerns the optimization of the domain ranking of a site or e-commerce. Thanks to external activities such as the number and quality of backlinks, link building activities or even Digital PR.

To increase the domain authority of your e-commerce there are some activities you can do such as creating quality content that can go viral and be shared by your users and customers on social media, or writing guest posts on others. Thematic websites or portals in line with the products you offer.

Update the meta descriptions

The meta description is a short description of the page that is displayed on search engines along with the page headline often and is an important element because it can affect the click-through rate received by each piece of content.

Updating meta descriptions is useful to prevent old or outdated content from leading visitors to prefer links other than yours. So if you don’t want to give up visits that can then turn into sales and new customers. You absolutely need to update the meta descriptions that you think are old and no longer suitable.

Eliminate duplicate content

Duplicate content is frowned upon by Google, and removing it can help improve your page rankings with each new search.

So do a nice analysis of the pages of your e-commerce and of the products in the catalog, and if you find duplicate elements or content immediately delete a copy. This way your pages will index better and you can optimize your content to have a higher ranking in search engines.

Use HTTPS to optimize your Shopify eCommerce site

E-commerce sites must absolutely use SSL certificates and use the HTTPS protocol. Because they present sensitive data such as passwords and credit cards of all registered users.

Maintaining the security of your customers is paramount, and the HTTPS protocol helps you keep their data safe. Obviously, the presence of the SSL certificate. And the HTTPS protocol also helps customers trust you and buy in total safety, avoiding fraud, identity theft and much more.

Check your URLs

If you want to optimize your e-commerce site you have to check that the URLs are up and running, and above all, they are built following a precise structure.

URLs can also help you improve the ranking of your content. So you should avoid using strange codes or numbers, which do not make it clear what will be on the page.

For this reason, always try to insert the product name or category within the URLs of your e-commerce.
Also, make sure to redirect all those broken URLs and find and delete all broken links.

Create a sitemap

A Sitemap is a file in which you give Google all the information about the pages and contents present on your e-commerce. The sitemap is very useful because it is read by search engines to find and analyze all the content on your site.

If you already have a sitemap, be sure to update it with the new content you’ve posted. But if you don’t have one you definitely need to run for cover and create it ASAP.

In this way, you will help Google and all search engines to find your content and index your pages quickly and effectively.

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Take advantage of long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are essential for an e-commerce site. Because they can help you optimize pages and intercept users in the most advanced phase of their product or service search.

They can therefore correspond to very specific search intent. And it will help users make a purchase. Because you will give them the correct answer to their question as precisely as possible. Long tail keywords can be used within blog articles, but also in product descriptions, product titles, and paid ads.

Add calls to action

To optimize your Shopify eCommerce site, you can use Call to action. Call to action helps visitors take actions, from the lightest such as subscribing to the newsletter to adding a product to the cart and making the actual purchase.

Analyze your sales funnel and make sure that the calls to action are present and positioned in key points of your e-commerce site. Because they will help your visitors to advance in the sales process until they make the purchase.

You can use calls to action anywhere, from your homepage to blog articles, the important thing is to remember to publish them always and on every possible page.

Leverage the principles of urgency and scarcity

The principles of urgency and scarcity are two levers that can be used to encourage visitors to make a purchase without leaving the page or postponing until later or at other times.

These are two principles also used by giants such as Booking and Amazon. And they act a lot on the emotional side of a person because they fight the fear of losing something. If you have products that are about to run out or you have limited stocks, communicate it at every opportunity. And in every content to make sure that people do not waste any more time and rush to buy the products that are about to run out.

Add rich snippets

Rich snippets are additional items that appear on search engines along with a page’s title and meta description. They help users learn more about a particular product or service, and most importantly they increase the CTR of the ads. Because they are seen as different elements from the rest of the other search results.

If you have pages or products that lend themselves to adding rich snippets, you absolutely must modify them and make sure that the results in the search engines are as complete as possible.

Add cross-sell and up-sell

For an e-commerce site, proposing cross-sell and up-sell offers can greatly increase the turnover generated monthly thanks to an increase in the average value of each receipt.

You can submit cross-sell and up-sell offers at different times, from adding a product to your cart to checking out. This way you can present your customers with the option to buy a better version of the product they initially chose. Or you can recommend complementary products to them to make a full purchase.

Choose a responsive and mobile friendly theme

A responsive and mobile friendly theme helps visitors have a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience. Today, most internet traffic comes from mobile devices. So make sure you have a theme that is optimized for viewing from smartphones and tablets. Otherwise, you risk losing a large chunk of customers and sales.

Having a mobile friendly theme is key, analyze your current site design and make sure everything is properly optimized for fast, smooth and smooth browsing.

Communicate the return policies

Today, returns have become more and more frequent, and often also represent one of the reasons that lead people to prefer one e-commerce over another. If you offer the option to return your products in exchange for a refund or alternative, always let us know and never forget it.

Having the ability to return a product helps people trust e-commerce and make a purchase because they know that if something goes wrong they have the ability to request a refund and not lose anything.

Collect visitor emails

Visitor emails are essential because they help you keep in touch with them. There are very few people who buy the first time they land on a product page or visit e-commerce.

However, with their email, you can continue to send your content such as special offers, start or end of series promotions and much more to convince them to buy from you.

You can collect your visitors’ emails by offering them a 5-10% coupon, free shipping on their first order, or any other incentive you can think of. The important thing is to secure contact to continue communicating with them and making themselves heard even if they have not yet purchased from you.

Add a blog

A blog helps people who are in the information research stage understand more about your product or service. But above all, it helps you because you have the possibility to answer all the objections that are made to you in negotiations or in chat and you will no longer have to keep repeating the same things over and over.

Furthermore, people who visit e-commerce after reading one or more articles on a blog are more likely to buy. Because they have already had first contact with you or with your brand and already know what to expect.

Add a FAQ page

The FAQ page can also help you answer your customers’ concerns and objections. And you can make the people managing customer service worry only about problems related to orders, shipments, and so on.

Frequently asked questions work for you because they give potential customers the answers they expect, and help them progress through the purchase process by resolving objections automatically. Even without having to speak to one of your collaborators.

Please reduce the required fields in the checkout form

Optimizing checkout is essential if you want to increase your sales percentage, and often one of the obstacles that potential customers face is the number of fields required when ordering.

Asking too much information can push a person to give up on the purchase, so always try to minimize the required fields and speed up the checkout process as much as possible.
If you need other data you can always request them at a later time, but when you are about to make a purchase always try to ask only the essential information.

How to optimize a Shopify eCommerce site in 2022?

Optimizing a Shopify e-commerce site is not easy, and as you have seen there are lots of tips that you can put into practice. The ones we have seen today are only a part of the many possible optimizations to improve the performance of e-commerce and help it sell more and acquire new customers.

But how do you optimize e-commerce? As we have seen, several aspects must be taken into consideration:

Optimize the User Experience

When we think about the design and User Experience of your e-commerce site. One of the most important aspects is the page loading speed.

A slow loading site will cause you to lose a lot of sales, that’s a fact. In fact, several studies reveal that it takes only two seconds to attract people’s interest. Otherwise, you will lose 10% of your visitors for every second of delay in loading your pages.

So to give an example, that means it only takes 7 seconds for half of your visitors to disappear. No wonder you think Google is trying to make page loads less than 1 second.

Navigation is another key issue for your visitors’ User Experience. In eCommerce, making product navigation clear and having a simple and intuitive experience from the homepage to checkout is essential.
If your customers can’t find a product, they’ll never be able to buy it.

When planning your store shopping experience, try to put yourself in your users’ shoes. For example, if your customers already know what they want. Simplify the buying process and make sure they can buy quickly. Conversely, if someone needs suggestions, add search functions or filters to search your products faster.

Optimize the funnel

A funnel is certainly an excellent tactic to build an effective and structured customer acquisition system for eCommerce. Unlike normal marketing activities, a funnel is a system consisting of several steps, in which users are intercepted at different stages of the purchase process.

And optimizing a funnel is essential to get more results from each category of visitors: from users unaware of having a problem to those who are ready to make a purchase.

A funnel is therefore very useful for eCommerce. Because it serves to outline the purchasing process of your customers and to identify all the phases that make it up.

In fact, the goal for eCommerce is to increase the conversion rate as much as possible, i.e. the percentage of users who, once in contact with the business, decide to purchase the product or service.

And optimizing your sales funnel can help you get more results. Knowing the different phases of your customer’s shopping experience is used to identify the moments in which users leave your funnel. In this way, you can reduce the number of abandonments. And you can also increase the percentage of users who reach the bottom, and therefore who buy from you.

And Optimize SEO for Shopify

Even on an e-commerce site, it is important to work to optimize SEO and improve the positioning of the pages in the search engine results. SEO for Shopify e-commerce is very important if you want to climb the rankings of the search engines with your product sheets.

If your site is not SEO optimized, then you are missing out on a good number of sales. And customers who are not buying from you but turning to the competition.

If you want to improve the organic positioning of your pages and increase the performance of your marketing activities, then you need to think about an SEO strategy that can help you acquire new customers and sell more.

There are some activities that can increase the conversion rate of Shopify eCommerce. And SEO is one of them because by improving the positioning of your content you will have the possibility of bringing more traffic to your website. Then exceeding the rankings of your competitors and increasing the visibility of your products.

SEO is an activity that should not be neglected, and it integrates perfectly into all the other advertising activities. You are already using to grow and sponsor your eCommerce.

How to optimize your Shopify product sheets to make them really effective?

We have already dedicated an entire article to the topic of product sheets. In fact, the topic is very important, but it is often neglected by entrepreneurs, who do not dedicate enough time to their drafting and find themselves with unclear, not optimized and not performing content.

Shopify comes to our aid with a product sheet template already structured with the most important elements. In the spaces dedicated to the descriptions. It is possible to insert a list with the 5 main information about the product: this helps to highlight the most important characteristics.

Measure the performance of your Shopify e-commerce

Shopify is a complete platform because it doesn’t simply provide virtual space for your e-commerce and the tools to create it. But it offers other digital services, such as performance measurement.

Thanks to the integrated functions, it is possible to access traffic and sales reports: clear and simple data, essential from the beginning of your online activity. Thanks to the reports you will be able to improve and adjust your marketing strategy to achieve your sales goals.

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Among the accessible data, we find:

  • Analysis of the market and of the origin of traffic
  • Session analysis
  • Monthly sales analysis
  • Monitoring of the average shopping cart.


In the field of productivity, the issue of how to increase conversions of Shopify e-commerce is in fact of fundamental importance. And this is simply due to the fact that optimizing a poorly built e-commerce allows you to be more effective. The higher conversion rate allows you to increase profits for the same investments, expenses and costs.

Now you learn “33 tips to optimize your Shopify eCommerce site”. If you don’t know where to start, asking for help from professionals is the ideal solution, and we at WebRito can help you.

If you want to know more and learn more about the strategies to optimize your Shopify eCommerce, you can request a consultation with one of our experts. And together you can find the best solution that best suits your specific case.

Our experts can help you from A to Z. If you have a store and want to conquer the top positions of Google. Then you absolutely must work on optimizing your e-commerce.

Contact us immediately by writing what you want to achieve and how we can help you. We will reply as soon as possible!

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