Here are the “Top 4 Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store.” How can we decide the theme that best suits our online store? What is the best theme to consolidate our brand image when using Shopify?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows you to build and manage a store in a very dynamic, simple and attractive way. One of the most difficult things is deciding what our first squad will be. But also what should be the most appropriate for the current moment.

Installing a theme from the store is very easy because Shopify does not require any software installation or download. Everything is done in a few minutes after you have browsed through the different collections. You have the option to try them completely free. If they are paid and also the option of a demo to see how it would look with all its features in full.Top 4 The Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store1

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Top 4 Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store

We are going to show you 5 of the Shopify theme that we have liked the most, endorsed by customers who use them on a daily basis. In this way, we hope to be able to guide you to the one that will definitely be yours.
Important: If you are worried about the cost of the theme, click here and we will take you directly to number 5: it’s free!

Warehouse shopify theme

Warehouse: Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store

As the name suggests, the Warehouse template is designed for stores that have a large number of products in stock. By having a large number of options for the customer to choose from. It is built with a predictive search that takes you directly to the product you are looking for.

The design itself is based on dynamic cards. The upper part shows the products highlighted by the company or those sections that result in a differentiating element. Everything you want to show at first glance will appear here.

Next, you can set up exclusive offers or special promotions to give it more relevance than other sections, which will already be about the most popular products and the catalog per se.

The entire template can be configured in the way you prefer. But it is one of the best options for a large amount of information and products to appear dosed without cluttering the store too much.

It is perfect for the following cases:

  • Electronic stores with a large number of product sizes and characteristics.
  • Stores with a large stock of seasonal products or promotional products with a high turnover.
  • Stores that have many products from the same sector and need to organize several sections in an orderly manner, such as sports equipment stores.

In addition, you will be able to encourage your customers to subscribe to your newsletter before they leave the store. And you will have a stock level indicator if you need to create that sense of urgency or if products are only available for a certain time.

Price: $300

Link: warehouse

Karte - Multipurpose Fashion Ecommerce Shopify Theme-1

Karte – Multipurpose Fashion eCommerce Shopify Theme | Best Shopify Paid theme

This template is very suitable for elegant and modern styles. It is somewhat minimalist but not excessively so. The central point here is to show the product or service graphically, tricking the customer into the story behind it.

As it is a less saturated template than the previous one and is more visual. It is prepared to support high-resolution images. In turn, it has several menus to easily navigate through the catalog and the main page contains large sections to present the product for sale and its different variations.

If you wish, you can directly add a purchase link on the same screen, and display the latest articles from your blog.

We think this design is very appropriate for:

  • Clothes, Jewelry, Shoes and cosmetics stores need to present high-value products in a very visual way.
  • Stores specializing in very specific or innovative niche market products, such as liquor for sale on demand (very trendy in rock and metal bands internationally).
  • Stores whose stock needs to be presented with an elegant design and prioritize the visual over the features, such as private label footwear.

Customers will be able to easily add products to the shopping cart without leaving the page. And making their browsing experience very comfortable.

 Do you have a project in mind

Price: $29

Link: Karte – Shopify Theme

Venue shopify theme

Venue: Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store

If before we talked about many products organized in a single theme, Venue can be considered the opposite. It is an excellent template to present the same product that has very different characteristics. It would not be the first time that we would see something like this in stores of the following style, right?

  • Clothing is designed by the company itself where the brand is the center of the business.
  • Specific cuisine that has many different varieties, ingredients, packs or combinations for recipes.
  • Businesses that are specialized in a single product are designed and created with great mastery, such as musical instruments and rustic furniture.

The theme places great emphasis on the possibility of adding a large photo gallery and also a video gallery, very appropriate for the presentation of the same product in different situations and manufactured with unequal characteristics. So the client can see the possibilities that have when placing an order.

Surely you have already seen something similar. You enter a website and the first thing you see is a video that occupies the upper part of the screen with a small business card. The next section offers their different products. You keep scrolling down to see more features and the last thing you see is the location of the store on a map. This is Venue. And it’s perfect for brands that want to create a strong branding strategy.

Price: $280

Link: Venue

Modular shopify theme

Modular: Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store

It seems that modular layouts and editing are all the rage in different CMS. And Shopify is not far behind. The Modular template is based on modules that are displayed as the customer slides. The screen is down infinitely (as many products as you have in the store, of course).

It is a very dynamic theme because it allows for quick and direct purchases. Alleviating content in other templates can focus more on transmitting other brand values. Modular can also be used for this. But it is more appropriate to present a large number of products in a minimalist way. Tell a little about each one of them and perhaps a little less about the company; the product is the center.

If your online store has many collections, it is practically like making a layout to display them in a kind of collage, with the option to filter the products by brand, price and other options. Its strong point is the native ability to enter customer reviews talking about your products (hopefully well).

Examples that come to mind to use Modular:

  • Large collections of new line cosmetic products.
  • Clothing collections in different seasons of the year as the big brands usually do.
  • Stores with alternative, organic, vegan products or products that are manufactured with maximum respect for the environment, giving importance to ethics.
  • Stores with a large number of products that in turn contain many differentiating characteristics.

Similar to the previous themes, the newsletter would appear at the bottom of the page along with social media buttons and accepted payment methods.

Price: $250

Link: Modular

If you don’t want to buy any Shopify theme, then you can try this best free store theme.

Shopify life for $1/month

Brooklyn shopify theme

Brooklyn: Best Shopify free theme for Online Store

If you’re not sure which template to buy, Brooklyn can be your solution: it’s free. It is a theme that is officially supported by the Shopify team and designed in a minimalist and modern way. Its classic and playful color palette allows you to change the general tone of the store between a traditional style and a more casual style, respectively.

The upper part allows you to display a prominent product or service with a large background image that tells a little about its history and values. If you have several, you can add them without a problem. With this marquee, the client will be able to slide everything. And you want to show and tell about your own brand.

It follows the dynamic presentation of the company’s different categories, featured collections, promotions and offers, and the direct purchase of a product of your choice. All this respects the proportions and sizes to make it as light as possible insight.

Which stores are suitable for this template? Anyone who likes to highlight specific products with a little insight into their business, followed by an introductory catalog. If you need to add a video instead of a presentation photo, you can do that too.

Price: free

Link: Brooklyn

You can also read this: Top 8 Fastest Themes and templates for Shopify in 2022 [Free and Paid]


Now you know the name of “Top 4 Best Shopify Paid theme for Online Store.” Haven’t decided to use Shopify yet? You can always try it yourself. Whichever template you choose, your choice is sure to be worth it.

At WebRito, we are Shopify and WordPress experts because we believe in its potential. And we like working with it. If you wish, we will be there to lend you a hand with everything you need in the process. Good luck.

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